Unexpected 40% time today
Miranda is sick with sore throat, etc., so I unexpectedly have another day at home. Next week will be a 4-day working week to make up for this day off.
Things I did with my 40% time today
realised I’ll soon forget all the things I’ve been doing, so got to work recording it in this blog. I’m going to need to brush up on ReactJS to make it look any different to the default how to build a blog using Gatsby tutorials
looked after the sick girl. This consisted of watching Bugs Bunny and playing Uno.
- built the Befaco Crush Delay. It’s a big build! For once I don’t seem to have made any mistakes… But it is deep enough that it doesn’t really fit well in the Befaco jumpskiff case. Also I have to calibrate it.
- cooked a large quantity of minestrone soup. Yum.
Things I didn’t do
change the poor fishie’s water, the aquarium is beginning to look very murky
write up minutes from last week’s King Groovy committee meeting
some accounting