Real-World Cryptography 2021

Notes I took while virtually attending the 2021 Real World Cryptography Symposium.


The Real World Crypto Symposium, part of IACR, was held online in 2021 due to the pandemic. It had been due to take place in Amsterdam, Holland - that will now be the venue for RWC2022.

Normally the conference is held over three days. This year, it was spread across four shorter days, enabling attendees from a wider range of timezones to attend remotely.

As usual the programme is a mix of academic, industrial/commercial, government and public policy. Quite a few talks are fairly accessible for someone who’s taken Dan Boneh’s Crypto 101 course coursera. But others are harder to follow.

This year the pandemic inspired a new session with talks on Contact Tracing. The other 12 sessions were largely the same as in previous years' conferences.


The conference was broken down into themed sessions as follows. RWC

Monday, 2021-Jan-11.

Opening Remarks video

  1. Secure Channels
  2. Group Messaging
  3. Multi-Party Computation

Tuesday, 2021-Jan-12.

  1. Invited Talk / Signatures
  2. Humans, Policy, and Crypto
  3. Invited Talk / Post-Quantum Cryptography
  4. Lightning Talks

Wednesday, 2021-Jan-13.

  1. Invited Talks / Contact Tracing
  2. Hardware
  3. Formal Analysis

Thursday, 2021-Jan-14.

  1. Invited Talk / Cryptocurrency
  2. Crypto for the Cloud
  3. Invited Talk / Anonymity

Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 11: Cryptocurrency


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Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 11: Invited Talk


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Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 12: Crypto for the Cloud


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Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 13: Anonymity


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Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 13: Invited Talk


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Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 10: Formal Analysis


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Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 8: Contact Tracing


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Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 8: Invited Talks


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Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 9: Hardware


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Real World Crypto 2021 - Session 4: Invited Talk


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